
Friday, August 25, 2006


George Kotzabasis
A cosmic tidal wave of Muslim fanaticism is threatening Western civilization and its peoples with destruction. Since 9/11, the terrorist myrmidons of Islam have unleashed a ruthless and relentless war against Western countries in the name of God. With such indefatigable fanatic believers in their godly mission, no compromise is possible and all overtures of diplomacy by Western and other governments are bound to fail. As Brian Jenkins of the Rand Corporation has said, to the Jihadists, 'war is its own reward, a perpetual condition until Judgment Day'. It is for this reason that all efforts of the United Nations -as it has been shown in Afghanistan prior to the overthrow of the Taliban - to reach some sort of accommodation based on reason with these terrorist zealots and their state sponsors, would be an exercise in futility and would have no chance of being successful. Fanatic terror can only be strategically compromised and defeated on a world scale only by "planetary" intelligence and military power, whose arsenal and force must be deployed overwhelmingly against the terrorists with no quarter given.

Also, the nations whose political leaderships, such as Bush's, Blair's, Berlusconi's, and Howard's, are clear-sighted about the real stakes of this total war against global terror, that must also involve the rogue states which are the silent, if not the loud, sinister allies of terror, must initiate and undertake covert, clandestine operations against suspected terrorists on a global scale, - as I had suggested in a paper of mine back on October 2001 - as well as against the breeding grounds of terrorism, i.e., the madrassas, wherever they happen to be situated, in the East or in the West.

Total war by definition, is a limitless war against an enemy, and Western political leaders who profess to be involved in such a war against global terror, as both Bush and Blair have averred to be, cannot avoid and eschew its imperative and remorseless demands. One must use all means and techniques of warfare, including foreign mercenaries organized in covert operations against these shadowy terrorists, whose murderous deeds have no frontiers and all areas of the world are open targets.

One has to recognize, that in total war, one also has to fight the allies of one's foe, in this case the rogue states which directly or indirectly support the terrorists, which is pivotal to the easing of the defeat of the latter. By decisively cutting the Gordian knot of the logistical support in materiel and manpower the terrorists receive from these states, one irreversibly debilitates the morale and militancy of the former. Hence, total war against the terrorists, is strategically a two-front war. But that does not mean that one has to start a war against all rogue states. Such a course would be strategically foolish! One has only to pick and fight one rogue state, and by defeating it decisively, one can simultaneously defeat by "proxy" all other rogue states, as the Americans have done in Iraq and as Libya exemplified this defeat by proxy, with the caving-in of Colonel Qadafi. And it is apparent that Syria is next in line.

In the context of such a total two-front war against global terror, the media in general have an historical responsibility, as the fourth-estate in the political structure of democratic countries, to generate a factual awareness, beyond any shades of ideology, among its readers and viewers about the real stakes of the war against these fanatic barbarians - an awareness that will mobilize the people of these countries that are engaged in this war to stand unflinchingly behind their governments.

As in any critical armed conflict that involves the survival of a nation, the moral fiber of its civilians is just as important as the moral fiber of its armed forces in the defeat of a mortal enemy, such as the terrorists are. Any moral or intellectual doubts and scruples that the media might have about the justice or strategic correctness of the war, must be expressed with infinite prudence and wisdom without compromising or sacrificing this awareness, in the name of the freedom of the press, that is so vital to the moral strength of its people to support their government in war. The moral fortitude of any people does not arise from some sort of immaculate conception, but only by falling, like the mythical figure of Antaeus, on the earth of reality that unravels and reveals the dangers that a nation countenances. In this peoples' fall on the earth of reality, the media must be a primary pusher to this fall, as strength can only be generated by the coupling with strength -in the present case, the realization that the strength, the power, of the terrorists can mortally endanger one's existence. Once such a realization imbues the inner being of a people, it instantly conceives in them the mettle and determination to confront this great danger head on.

It is in this moral and spiritual realm that the Western media could have reached the peak of its achievement. Regrettably however, instead of concentrating its immense power of persuasion to forge and mould the spiritual strength of its readers and viewers, it chose to betray, both to itself and to its audience, its vocational noblesse oblige. It chose to select and pick the most negative, indeed, the most gruesome aspects of the war in Iraq, such as the civilian casualties, the prolonged and apparently irrepressible and undefeatable insurgency, the abuse and torture of prisoners at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay, etc. etc., to make its case against the war. The result of this enamored "nuanced" selectivity to which the media is hooked on, was to enfold its readers and viewers into a thick cloud of doubt from which all ability to perceive the whole gamut of this total war against terror was lost.

The impressionistic analyses of events by its commentators and pundits, gave the impression to its audience, that it was their governments that were the real culprits of the war in Iraq. This in turn generated among many peoples, whose governments were involved and engaged in the war, an almost complete discouragement and great doubts about the need and justice of the war. The ominous dark clouds that menacingly loomed over the cities of Western civilization replete with the lightning bolts of the terrorists, were no longer real and became merely a fantasy of the "mythical" and “lying” world of Bush, Blair, Berlusconi, and Howard. The pundits who believe that Al Qaeda could not obtain weapons of mass destruction or nuclear weapons from rogue states, or if it did, it would not use them without warning against the cities of the West, are fools and knaves.

Only America, among all the nations of the world, has the military power and resolve to prevent and preempt the above from happening. Ostensibly however, the court jesters of the media are very proud of their intellectual performance before their populist audiences in exposing the above named leaders as the irredeemable liars and wrongdoers of the war. And it is by this breathtaking flippancy that they will claim, as intellectual pretenders, the Nobel Laureates for being the keepers of the freedom of the press. But history, being neither forgetful nor forgiving, will play an everlasting trick upon them. It will render its harsh and remorseless verdict by condemning this "treason" of the media toward the nations, such as America, Britain, Italy, and Australia, whose leaderships had the moral courage and political acumen to be the gatekeepers of Western civilization, against this surge of fanatic terrorism which threatened, and threatens, to bring all civilized life to an end.

This paper was written on June 8 2005

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Technorati Profile

Wednesday, August 23, 2006



George-Kotzabasis August 23, 2006

To expedite the defeat of the insurgents in Iraq the following proposal might make a practical contribution toward this major event.

My proposal is simple but a most effective method in identifying car bombs in time so civilians in urban areas will not be killed, as well as lead to the defeat of the insurgency in the mid-run.

The Iraqi government should immediately pass a law directing drivers that when they park their vehicles either the driver of the vehicle or at least one other person must be sitting in the front seat of the parked car. No standing or parked vehicle will be unoccupied. A vehicle that was abandoned by its driver and occupants would immediately be seen by nearby commuters and would instantly trigger their quick distancing from it, as they will consider it to be, more likely than not, a car bomb. Hence, when the terrorists exploded it by remote control or otherwise no civilian or military casualties would occur. Moreover, those abandoning the vehicle could be arrested on the spot, either by security forces, if they were in the vicinity, or even by the commuters, or be killed by the former if they were likely to be terrorists. Hence, a vehicle that was being abandoned by its occupants would instantly have the mark of death writ large on it and would immediately be seen by the vigilant eyes of “commuter watch”. The great advantage of such law would be that it can even be executed by ordinary citizens, and hence turn the latter into virtual “vigilantes”. Thus an important serendipitous side effect of such law will be to actively mobilize the whole nation of Iraq against the insurgents.

The insurgents, certainly, would try to overcome this by having as decoy a kidnapped passenger tied in the front seat of the vehicle. But this possibility could be thwarted by prescribing in the law that the passenger side-window of vehicles when they are parked should be pulled down, so when a passenger is a kidnapped one, he would be able to make known this to “by-walkers” close to the vehicle, as soon as the terrorist driver had left the car.

Of course, this method would not be effective against the suicide bomber who would be willing to lose his life by not abandoning the vehicle. Notwithstanding this however, the immediate result would be to diminish the number of car bombs by excluding the unattended vehicles of which many of them up to this point have been car bombs. And in the mid-term, the increased number of suicide bombers losing their lives by sitting in their cars will deplete the ranks of the hardcore fanatics.

Thus, by this practical method, the Iraqi government will substantially decrease the number of casualties among civilians and army personnel, that the insurgents continue to inflict by car bombs, as well as not before long dry the pool from which the insurgents are getting their suicide bombers. And hence by turning soon their most lethal weapon useless will irrevocably defeat the insurgency.