A Response to an American Isolationist
Con George-Kotzabasis
It's in the nature of power politics from the Roman republican times of Scipio Africanus (Carthage must be destroyed), to our own that no superpower can metastasize itself into isolationism, as your "minding our own business" implies. A benign superpower such as America by its ineluctable engagement with the world is the axis of global order.
Also, one must not forget that bin Laden is a symbol of a fanatic mass movement with multiple heads whose goal is to destroy the West and its incarnation, "evil America". You cannot defeat such an enemy by merely "catching" or killing its symbol, bin Laden. You can only defeat him in the field of battle. Islamist terrorism is a mundanely "anarchic" movement with no centre of command. For all its true believers the centre of command is heavenly, since all of them ineradicably believe that they are the instruments of, and take their orders from, Allah.
The only way to defeat decisively such foes is to make them fail in the field of their operations , as presently seems to be happening with al Qaeda in Iraq with the new strategy of the surge which is crippling its suicidal jihadists. It's at this point that they might start having doubts about being instruments of God and abandon their cause. This is why the outcome of the war in Iraq is of paramount importance to the war against global terror and to the security of the West.
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