
Friday, December 14, 2007

National Intelligence Estimate About Iran Fails But Logic Triumphs

The NIE'S Pre-Emptive Strike By Nikos Konstandaras, Washington Post, December 10, 2007 PostGlobal Blog

A reply by Con George-Kotzabasis

Whenever Intelligence fails to find the truth logic comes to its rescue. The Iran theocratic leadership is not concerned with not jeopardizing its people's progress by a confrontation with the U.S., but in not jeopardizing its lunge for power in the region. This is its number one priority, to become the leader of the Muslim world. And the acquisition of nuclear weapons, especially in defiance of all Western powers, opens the way, in the thinking of its leaders, toward its irreversible dominance of Islam.

All the conclusions therefore of Intelligence whether Iran has stopped or not its nuclear program are secondary before the geopolitical logic that Iran has not renounced its eschatological goal to be the new Caliphate.

The calculus of cost-benefit analysis must be replaced by the cost-power analysis, as it's by the latter that one can answer the conundrum whether Iran is building nuclear weapons or not. That is why the option of a strike by the U.S. cannot be off the table

Your turn now...

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